Week 5
Assignment 2: Blog Reflection Paper
INT100: Fundamentals
of Information Technology & Literacy
Prof. John
September 20,
The Bick Pens (
I have vague recollections of writing classes
trying to teach me to write in a journal to collect and memorialize ideas and
thoughts that can be later referenced.
Journaling is a practice that I never took to. I picture Doogie Houser pondering in front of
the blinking cursor. My experience
creating a blog and subsequently posting to it, however, was enjoyable. I found it much less cumbersome than my
previous experiences when doing it for a purpose. Just writing down my thoughts is not purpose
enough. I enjoyed building a place for
my work to go. I am still hesitant about
its publicity as I feel as though I'm being judged. You can find my posts here The
Bick Pens (
Although I started hesitantly, Google's
blogger help section suggests enabling content sharing to get more traction, followers,
and views. I made sure that my blog was
made public and that sharing was enabled (Blogger Help.
2021). Another item that was presented
in our text was the ability to add plugins to our pages. In our discussions in class, I was made aware
of a google translate plugin that allows for converting the text on the blog to
many different languages, which I have added for folks who are not native
English speakers.
The first issue that I had was choosing a
title. There was a lot of pondering,
thinking, and pontification, and then the current title hit me and is personal
to me yet is full of puns and plays with meanings in multiple ways. Another issue that I came across was choosing
what picture to share on my profile. I'm
not a selfie-taker, so I do not have many photos from which to choose. After being reminded that I had not completed
my profile, I just picked one and uploaded it.
Another issue that I had was deciding upon the formality of the
posts. I didn't' want it to be as formal
as an APA paper for class, although I knew it would need to retain some of this
rigor for the assignments.
This blog will serve as a reminder of the
first class within my major and hopefully will be a building block to share
more learning as I progress towards my degree.
I want to explore tagging and topics and the possibility of linking
related posts. Hopefully, the-Bick Pens
blog will give others some insight into my education and experiences, and it
should grow as I do. In the future, I
will strive to continue to add writings and content, and I would like to create
buckets for school, work, and hobbies.
Blogger Help.
(2021). Retrieved from
Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2017). Computing
technology for all. Retrieved from
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